Jane Farmer

Senior Associate

Jane Farmer, Professor at Swinburne University, is a social scientist with extensive experience in designing and implementing multi-methods, multi-disciplinary studies in health, social justice and technology implementation and an exceptional track record of winning ARC, NHMRC, government and philanthropic funding. She also brings international research experience and grant success, having conceived and led multi-country projects funded by EU and UK research councils and by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Jane has founded and led two high-performing multi-disciplinary (STEM + HASS) research centres and worked as an Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Research in Science, Health & Engineering – experiences from which she has acquired particular expertise in curating research teams for developing, writing and implementing successful multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects. Jane is also highly skilled in nurturing early- and mid-career researchers to grant success, in developing productive School/Centre grant pipelines, and in establishing meaningful collaborative partnerships with industry, consumers and communities.
