We can help you devise and implement external and internal communications strategies to raise your profile amongst the general public or amongst specialist audiences such as researchers, clinicians, patients and consumer groups.
Collaboration (internal communications)
Research collaboration doesn’t happen on its own. We have years’ of experience in providing communications and engagement support to large, complex research collaborations and CREs.
While you conduct your research, we can develop the following to help you bring your partners on board:
- Knowledge mobilisation and engagement strategy
- Branding and key messages – to ensure everyone shares the same vision
- Communications tools (internal newsletters, webinars)
- Targeted communications (policy briefs, patient resources)
Science communications (external communications)
Many research organisations make the mistake of thinking about communications as dissemination of findings only. But, ideally, you should employ communications expertise right from the time you are developing their research questions. Embedding communications ensures consistent, aligned messaging, increases a sense of shared ownership among partners, and helps you to identify impact.
- Communications strategy
- Plain language summaries, evidence briefs, reports, brochures and case studies
- Communications tools (website, external newsletters, podcasts, videos)
- Storytelling
- Advocacy (media, submissions, speeches, white papers)